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Frequently Asked Questions

Getting started is easy! Simply head over to our Signup page to register. Once your account is set up, you'll gain immediate access to our range of Freemium features. To explore more advanced and premium features, visit your settings page where you can upgrade your membership at any time.

To get the most out of your AltIndex membership, actively use our features like the AI stock picks for investment ideas, set up customized stock alerts for real-time updates, and regularly monitor your portfolio through the platform. This proactive approach will help you stay informed and make more data-driven investment decisions. For more details, read our help article Why and How to Use AltIndex.

Absolutely! We strive to cover a wide range of stocks. Each stock undergoes a thorough manual process to ensure it provides sufficient digital presence for generating meaningful alternative data insights. These insights are key to informed investment decisions.

If there's a specific stock you'd like us to track, please don't hesitate to contact us. We value your input in expanding our database.

Managing your membership is easy and flexible. Just visit your settings page, where you'll find the option to 'manage subscription'. From there, you can follow simple instructions to either upgrade or downgrade your account at any time, giving you full control over your membership preferences.

Our memberships operate on a monthly subscription basis. Each month, your chosen premium membership fee is automatically charged. Following this, an invoice detailing the transaction is sent directly to your email, ensuring you are always informed about your billing status.

Our AI stock picks are the result of daily analysis by our sophisticated algorithms. They scrutinize a wide range of data (financials, technicals, and alternative data insights) from publicly traded companies to forecast future price trends and performance. Based on this in-depth analysis, our system identifies specific stocks and provides buy or sell signals. These signals are designed with a forward-looking investment perspective, typically spanning a minimum of six months.

AltIndex's Stock Alerts utilize advanced algorithms to analyze a range of unconventional data points including social media trends, employee reviews, and web traffic. These insights give you a comprehensive view of a company's performance. Tailored alerts are sent to your email about significant changes in these areas for the companies in your portfolio, aiding in making informed investment decisions. This feature keeps you updated on relevant market movements, ensuring you're always in the know.

AltIndex updates its data at different frequencies to ensure accuracy and relevance. Price data and Reddit mentions are updated almost in real-time, typically with a 30-minute delay. Daily updates cover news mentions, job postings, social media followers, and app downloads. Meanwhile, insights like web traffic and employee business outlook are refreshed monthly. This tiered update approach provides a dynamic and comprehensive view of market movements and company performance.

The Enterprise solution at AltIndex offers comprehensive access to our data. This includes direct access via email, our web application, or through our API. For specific details tailored to your use case, we encourage you to contact us directly, and we'll provide more detailed information on how our Enterprise solution can meet your needs.

Cancelling your membership is easy and can be done at any time. Simply go to your Settings page and click on Manage subscription to upgrade / downgrade or to cancel your membership.

We understand the importance of satisfaction with our service, which is why we offer a free trial for you to explore what we have to offer. This approach allows you to make an informed decision before any payment. While we maintain a no-refund policy, rest assured that cancelling your membership is simple and flexible, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you at any stage of your journey with us.

About Us

AltIndex revolutionizes investing with advanced alternative data analytics, smart insights, and stock alerts, presented in an easy-to-use dashboard powered by comprehensive company data from across the internet.

Legal Disclaimer
The information provided by AltIndex is solely for informational purposes and not a substitute for professional financial advice. Investing in financial markets carries inherent risks, and past performance doesn't guarantee future results. It's crucial to do your research, consult with financial experts, and align your financial objectives and risk tolerance before investing. AltIndex creators and operators are not liable for any financial losses incurred from using this information. Users should exercise caution, seek professional advice, and be prepared for the risks involved in trading and investing in financial assets, only investing what they can afford to lose. The information in this application, derived from publicly available data, is believed to be reliable but may not always be accurate or current. Users should verify information independently and not solely rely on this application for financial decisions. By using AltIndex, you acknowledge that it doesn't offer financial advice and agree to consult a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions.

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