AI Stock Picks

We reveal opportunities across thousands of public companies using alternative data and smart algorithms.

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Sell signal set Jul 25


17.8% downside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Sell signal with a target price of $60.87. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a longterm decrease in Twitter followers, a longterm decrease in Instagram followers, a month over month drop in job posts, a longterm decrease in mobile app downloads, and concerns regarding the company's financial fundamentals.
The conviction in the pick is medium-high due to the considerable amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Sell signal set Jul 25


19.3% downside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Sell signal with a target price of $3.69. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a longterm decrease in Twitter followers, a longterm decrease in Instagram followers, a month over month drop in job posts, a worrysome low business outlook across the company's employees, and a longterm decrease in web traffic.
The conviction in the pick is medium due to the moderate amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Sell signal set Jul 25


19.3% downside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Sell signal with a target price of $1.38. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a longterm decrease in Twitter followers, a longterm decrease in job posts, a longterm decrease in mobile app downloads, a worrysome low business outlook across the company's employees, and a longterm decrease in web traffic.
The conviction in the pick is medium-high due to the considerable amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Sell signal set Jul 25


16.7% downside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Sell signal with a target price of $0.90. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a longterm decrease in Twitter followers, a longterm decrease in Instagram followers, a longterm decrease in job posts, concerns regarding the company's financial fundamentals, and a longterm decrease in sentiment across popular stock forums.
The conviction in the pick is medium due to the moderate amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Sell signal set Jul 25


19.5% downside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Sell signal with a target price of $1.40. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a longterm decrease in Twitter followers, a longterm decrease in Instagram followers, a longterm decrease in job posts, a worrysome low business outlook across the company's employees, and a longterm decrease in web traffic.
The conviction in the pick is medium due to the moderate amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Sell signal set Jul 25


18.5% downside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Sell signal with a target price of $4.18. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a longterm decrease in Twitter followers, a longterm decrease in Instagram followers, a longterm decrease in mobile app downloads, a worrysome low business outlook across the company's employees, and a longterm decrease in web traffic.
The conviction in the pick is medium due to the moderate amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Buy signal set Jul 25


17.4% upside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Buy signal with a target price of $11.28. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a month over month spike in Twitter followers, a month over month spike in Instagram followers, a month over month spike in job posts, an encouraging high business outlook across the company's employees, and year over year increase in revenue.
The conviction in the pick is medium due to the moderate amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Buy signal set Jul 25


17.8% upside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Buy signal with a target price of $86.47. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a month over month spike in Instagram followers, a month over month spike in job posts, a longterm increase in financial fundamentals, an encouraging high employee satisfaction, and an encouraging high business outlook across the company's employees.
The conviction in the pick is medium due to the moderate amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Buy signal set Jul 25


17.1% upside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Buy signal with a target price of $278.78. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a month over month spike in Instagram followers, a month over month spike in job posts, a month over month spike in mobile app downloads, improved financials, and an encouraging high employee satisfaction.
The conviction in the pick is medium-high due to the considerable amount of alternative data available.

Premium - Sign up

Buy signal set Jul 25


12.3% upside

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On July 25, Premium - Sign up was assigned a Buy signal with a target price of $71.71. This signal was predicated on several factors, including a month over month spike in Twitter followers, a month over month spike in job posts, improved financials, an encouraging high business outlook across the company's employees, and a month over month spike in web traffic.
The conviction in the pick is medium-low due to the fairly restrained amount of alternative data available.

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Historical performance

Historically, our stock picks have a 75% win rate with an average of 22% gains over a 6 month period.

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How it works

Each day, our advanced algorithms analyze an extensive array of signals from thousands of publicly traded companies, with the aim of predicting their future price movements and performance. From these analyses, select stocks are identified and assigned a buy or sell signal, grounded in an investment outlook of at least six months.


The information on this page is for information purposes only, not financial advice. The information are generated based upon certain methodologies, market data and assumptions and AltIndex makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or reasonableness of such information, methods, market data or assumptions. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

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FAQ - AI Stock Picks

What are AI stock picks?

AI stock picks are signals for buying or selling stocks that are generated using advanced machine learning algorithms and statistical models. These algorithms analyze vast amounts of alternative data from publicly traded companies to predict their future price movements and provide an informed decision on potential investments.

How do our AI stock picks work?

Our AI stock picks are the culmination of in-depth analyses of numerous signals from thousands of publicly traded companies each day. Our sophisticated algorithms consider various factors including historical stock price data, financial statements, market sentiment, and other relevant alternative data indicators. Based on this analysis, our system provides a buy or sell signal for select stocks, targeting a 3-9 months investment window. Note that this is not financial advice.

Should you invest purely off our AI stock picks?

While our AI stock picks are based on rigorous analysis and have shown reliability, no investment is without risk. It's essential for investors to conduct their own research, consider their risk tolerance, and possibly consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. AI stock picks should be considered as one tool among many in your investment strategy.

How accurate have our AI stock picks been in the past?

Our AI stock picks have a track record of reliability based on backtesting and real-world performance. However, past performance is not indicative of future results. We encourage users to consider our historical accuracy and success rate, but also to use their discretion and judgment when investing.

How often are new stock picks generated?

Our algorithms analyze the market data daily, leading to updated stock picks each day. However, the number of picks may vary depending on market conditions and the signals our system receives.

Are there any sectors or industries our AI focuses on more than others?

Our AI evaluates stocks across a wide spectrum of sectors and industries. While certain industries may occasionally emerge as favorable due to digital footprint, market trends and conditions, our primary focus is on individual stock performance rather than sector-specific biases.

About Us

AltIndex revolutionizes investing with advanced alternative data analytics, smart insights, and stock alerts, presented in an easy-to-use dashboard powered by comprehensive company data from across the internet.

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The information provided by AltIndex is solely for informational purposes and not a substitute for professional financial advice. Investing in financial markets carries inherent risks, and past performance doesn't guarantee future results. It's crucial to do your research, consult with financial experts, and align your financial objectives and risk tolerance before investing. AltIndex creators and operators are not liable for any financial losses incurred from using this information. Users should exercise caution, seek professional advice, and be prepared for the risks involved in trading and investing in financial assets, only investing what they can afford to lose. The information in this application, derived from publicly available data, is believed to be reliable but may not always be accurate or current. Users should verify information independently and not solely rely on this application for financial decisions. By using AltIndex, you acknowledge that it doesn't offer financial advice and agree to consult a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions.

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