Free Access to Financial Journalists & Influencers for Alternative Data Platform, a leading provider of alternative data is excited to announce that it is offering complimentary free access to financial journalists.

This initiative aims to empower journalists with powerful tools and insights to enhance their financial reporting.

As the landscape of financial markets continues to evolve rapidly, journalists play a pivotal role in disseminating accurate and timely information to investors and the public. Recognizing the importance of their contributions, is delighted to support journalists, bloggers and influencers by providing them with free access to

With, our focus is to empower users to uncover vital information that is hard to find elsewhere. While anyone can access financial statements, our platform goes beyond that, offering insights into crucial aspects like the growing popularity of a company's mobile apps, public interest levels on social media, the sentiment of the company's employees towards the future, and thousands of similar insights.

Through the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, gathers and analyzes diverse non-traditional data sources, and by leveraging these alternative data points, provides a comprehensive perspective on a company's performance, market sentiment, and industry trends. Our platform empowers financial journalists and investors with essential tools to gain cutting-edge insights and obtain the inside scoop on companies, enabling them to make highly informed decisions in the market.

"We understand the significance of alternative data in today's fast-paced financial landscape, and we believe that journalists are essential in translating complex information into meaningful stories," said Adam Grunwerg, co-founder of "By granting financial journalists free access to, we hope to equip them with the tools they need to enhance their reporting and provide their audiences with valuable insights."

To claim free access to, financial journalists simply need to sign up to the platform and send an email to with their user details. Upon verification, journalist and content creators will get free access to the Pro package which provides free access to alternative data and insights on thousands of stocks, a personalized portfolio, stock alerts for when critical events happen in real-time and professional help, insights and guidance from our support team.

About is a cutting-edge alternative data research platform that leverages advanced technologies and algorithms to analyze publicly traded companies. provides access a vast array of alternative data sources, including social media sentiment, web traffic statistics, consumer behavior metrics, and more.

Media Contact:
Adam Grunwerg

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AltIndex revolutionizes investing with advanced alternative data analytics, smart insights, and stock alerts, presented in an easy-to-use dashboard powered by comprehensive company data from across the internet.

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