Top 10 growth companies - job postings in March

March 31, 2021, 9:42 am

In March, we saw a lot of companies taking a big hit on the stock market. But a lot of there companies still grew and kept building for the future. By monitoring job postings, we can see what companies that are looking to upgrade their workforce, and I believe that this is a strong indicator for future growth.

But looking at just total number of job posts is not enough. If a company has 1,000 open positions in March that could be seen as a growing company. But if the same company had 2,000 open positions in February then we can make the assumption that they’re not growing at the same pace as they used to. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the companies with the biggest change in open position from February to March this year.

Company Job Posts Job Posts Change % Price Price Change %

DoorDash and Uber definitely took a big hit in March, but they are also having hiring surges indicating that they are getting ready to get back on track. It’s also interesting to see that Retail is coming back with Nordstrom increasing their open positions by 45% in March.

See more data like this, updated every day, in top 10.

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