New feature: News-Driven Stock Alerts Now at Your Fingertips with AltIndex

March 10, 8:22 am

At AltIndex, we started with a big idea: to help everyday investors like you find great investment opportunities using information most people don't even think about. We look at what's buzzing on social media, how many people are visiting company websites, what employees are saying about their jobs, and even new inventions companies are patenting. All these bits of info, which we call "alternative data," have been key to helping our members make smart moves in the stock market. Now, we're taking it a step further by adding news to our toolbox.

What’s Happening?

Every day, we go through thousands of news stories to spot big events for companies our members have invested in. Whether it's a new deal, a change in the company's leaders, hiring or firing news, company expansion, or legal troubles – if it's something that could make the stock price move, we'll make sure you know about it.

Easy Access for Our Members

For our members, nothing changes. You keep getting alerts just like before, but now with a bonus. If something big happens in the news with a company you're invested in, you'll hear about it from us through email. And yes, this new feature comes at no extra effort or cost for you.

More Alerts for Smarter Investing

We’re also adding alerts for when company insiders or politicians trade stocks of the companies you own. We've been tracking this info since February, and now we're including it in our alerts. This means you'll know if people with inside knowledge or political power are buying or selling shares in the companies you care about.

Centralized Insights

To further empower our members, all these events, including the newly added news impacts, will be accessible in their portfolio and on our stock alerts page. This centralized hub allows members to effortlessly track significant developments for all the stocks we monitor, ensuring you're always informed and ahead of the curve.

News alerts in Portfolio
Alerts in a member's portfolio Price and AI Score

Our Commitment

At AltIndex, we remain dedicated to equipping our members with the insights necessary for making informed investment decisions. The introduction of real-time stock alerts based on impactful news is a testament to our ongoing mission to provide value and empower our community of investors.

Your feedback is instrumental in our continuous improvement. Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding our new stock alerts feature or any other aspect of our service, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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About Us

AltIndex revolutionizes investing with advanced alternative data analytics, smart insights, and stock alerts, presented in an easy-to-use dashboard powered by comprehensive company data from across the internet.

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The information provided by AltIndex is solely for informational purposes and not a substitute for professional financial advice. Investing in financial markets carries inherent risks, and past performance doesn't guarantee future results. It's crucial to do your research, consult with financial experts, and align your financial objectives and risk tolerance before investing. AltIndex creators and operators are not liable for any financial losses incurred from using this information. Users should exercise caution, seek professional advice, and be prepared for the risks involved in trading and investing in financial assets, only investing what they can afford to lose. The information in this application, derived from publicly available data, is believed to be reliable but may not always be accurate or current. Users should verify information independently and not solely rely on this application for financial decisions. By using AltIndex, you acknowledge that it doesn't offer financial advice and agree to consult a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions.

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