Similar companies
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Month over Month
Followers on Twitter.
Dec 2024 | 689 | |
Nov 2024 | 691 | |
Oct 2024 | 694 | |
Sep 2024 | 699 |
How many users are following Boston Properties on Twitter?
Boston Properties has 685 followers on Twitter. This is down by -0.4% in the last 30 days.
Analyzing Twitter Followers, how is Boston Properties performing compared to its industry peers?
Boston Properties underperforms its industry peers when it comes to Twitter Followers, ranking in the 1st percentile.
Why should an investor in Boston Properties track and monitor Twitter Followers?
Tracking Boston Properties' Twitter followers offers insights into its brand popularity and customer engagement. A growing follower count signals rising interest in Boston Properties' products, services and a positive brand image. This metric serves as both a measure of engagement and a crucial audience for marketing strategies. By comparing Boston Properties' Twitter following with competitors, we gain perspective on its market standing. Although a singular aspect, Twitter followership, when combined with financial and operational data, contributes to a comprehensive understanding of Boston Properties' overall performance.
How does the current number of Twitter followers impact Boston Properties' brand presence and market influence?
With fewer than 1,000 followers, Boston Properties' Twitter account is in its growth phase, focusing on building its audience. This suggests a niche but potentially dedicated following, important for targeted engagement.
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