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Month over Month
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Nov 2024 | 25 | |
Oct 2024 | 29 | |
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Aug 2024 | 18 | |
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How often is Celsius Holdings mentioned on Reddit?
Celsius Holdings was mentioned an estimated 18 times in investing subreddits on Reddit yesterday. On Average, in the last 30 days, Celsius Holdings has been mentioned 22 times per day.
Analyzing Reddit Mentions, how is Celsius Holdings performing compared to its industry peers?
Celsius Holdings overperforms all of its industry peers when it comes to Reddit Mentions, having more Reddit Mentions than any of its peers.
Why should an investor track and monitor Reddit mentions?
Tracking all mentions of Celsius Holdings on Reddit is important for investors. It provides real-time discussions, market sentiment analysis, and insights into emerging trends, controversies, and positive developments related to the asset / company. By analyzing the frequency and sentiment of these mentions, investors can better understand the level of attention and sentiment surrounding the company among individual investors, potentially identifying investment opportunities and gaining valuable insights for their decision-making process.
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Sentiment on Reddit
The sentiment score for Celsius Holdings on Reddit is 73 (out of 100). This is considered neutral. Sentiment today is up compared to the 30 moving average.
Top Mentions
Tax loss harvesting going on on CELH. It may go lower, but will bounce a bit in JanuaryDec 21 - 2 upvotes |
or CELH either..Dec 21 - 2 upvotes |
CELH is going to rally. It is everywhere and only expanding.Dec 21 - 1 upvotes |
I’m in the same boat with CELH except my cost basis is around $40. I still believe it’s going to...Dec 21 - 1 upvotes |
What do you think will happen in two weeks that will move celh up?Dec 21 - 1 upvotes |