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Month over Month
Avg. stock sentiment across social media
Nov 2024 | 78 | |
Oct 2024 | 66 | |
Sep 2024 | 90 | |
Aug 2024 | 84 | |
Jul 2024 | 86 |
What's the investor sentiment for Domino's?
The overall sentiment for investing in Domino's is positive, according to data from the top investing forums. Domino's has a sentiment score of 61 out of 100. This is down, compared to the 30 day moving average.
Analyzing Sentiment, how is Domino's performing compared to its industry peers?
Domino's overperforms a majority of its industry peers when it comes to Sentiment, ranking in the 63rd percentile.
How does AltIndex calculate sentiment for Domino's?
AltIndex calculates sentiment for Domino's by analyzing posts from various internet stock forums, including Reddit. We employ advanced natural language processing techniques to parse and understand the context of each post. Our algorithm assesses the tone, keywords, and overall context of mentions to determine whether they are positive, neutral, or negative. The sentiment from all posts is then aggregated into a score ranging from 0 to 100. A higher score indicates that a majority of the mentions are positive or bullish, while a lower score signifies that the majority of mentions are negative or bearish. This comprehensive analysis allows us to provide an estimated sentiment score that reflects the current investor mood towards Domino's.
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