Similar companies
Company | Webpage traffic | |
Cisco SystemsCSCO |
16,702,000 14.4% | |
BlackBerryBB |
610,000 12.3% | |
NetgearNTGR |
4,451,000 5.7% | |
EricssonERIC |
739,000 16.7% | |
110,000 8.1% |
Month over Month
Est. monthly webpage visitors.
Nov 2024 | 1,330,000 | |
Oct 2024 | 1,643,000 | |
Sep 2024 | 1,434,000 | |
Aug 2024 | 1,307,000 |
How many visits
Juniper Networks has an estimate of 1,330,000 visitors to in November. This is down since October.
Analyzing Webpage traffic, how is Juniper Networks performing compared to its industry peers?
Juniper Networks underperforms its industry peers when it comes to Webpage traffic, ranking in the 8th percentile.
Why is it important to track website traffic for Juniper Networks?
By staying updated on webpage traffic for Juniper Networks, investors can gain valuable insights into the company's digital performance, customer engagement and acquisition, and overall effectiveness of its online presence. Higher traffic can indicate greater visibility and potential customer exposure and a lower or decreasing traffic can indicate challenges with retaining customers.
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