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Month over Month
Est. mobile app downloads.
Nov 2024 | 1,092 | |
Oct 2024 | 1,084 | |
Sep 2024 | 1,016 | |
Aug 2024 | 1,022 |
How many people are downloading OneMain's mobile apps?
An estimate 1,069 people are downloading OneMain's mobile apps on a daily basis. This is a decrease compared to the 30 day moving average of 1,071 daily downloads.
Analyzing App Downloads, how is OneMain performing compared to its industry peers?
OneMain underperforms its industry peers when it comes to App Downloads, ranking in the 1st percentile.
Why is tracking OneMain's mobile app downloads important?
Increasing app downloads indicate market acceptance, user engagement, and revenue potential, positively impacting financial performance. Conversely, declining app downloads may signify reduced customer interest and market relevance. Monitoring app downloads is essential to evaluate customer acquisition, competitive reach, and overall success.
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