Similar companies
Company | Facebook Followers | |
Unilever PLCUL |
3,948,123 0% | |
Procter & GamblePG |
5,137,542 0% | |
Tyson FoodsTSN |
292,696 0% | |
The Hershey CompanyHSY |
53,561 0% | |
Beyond MeatBYND |
446,070 0% |
Month over Month
Followers on Facebook.
Dec 2024 | 232,098 | |
Nov 2024 | 232,062 | |
Oct 2024 | 230,637 | |
Sep 2024 | 230,300 |
How many followers does Oatly have on Facebook?
Oatly has 231,872 followers on Facebook. This is down by -0.1% in the last 30 days.
Analyzing Facebook Followers, how is Oatly performing compared to its industry peers?
Oatly underperforms its industry peers when it comes to Facebook Followers, ranking in the 5th percentile.
How has the number of Facebook followers for Oatly changed in the last month?
In the last month, the number of Facebook followers for Oatly's has decreased by 0.1%. This decline could be a concern for the brand's digital strategy and audience engagement.
How does the total number of Facebook followers for Oatly impact its brand strength and business performance?
With hundreds of thousands followers, Oatly's has a significant audience on Facebook, offering valuable opportunities for brand promotion, customer interaction, and direct impact on business growth.
Why should an investor in Oatly track and monitor Facebook Followers?
With a substantial follower base on Facebook, investors in Oatly's should monitor these numbers to gauge brand popularity and consumer engagement. A larger audience in this range suggests a strong market position and potential for significant business impact.
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