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Month over Month
Followers on Facebook.
Nov 2024 | 1,502,829 | |
Oct 2024 | 1,503,245 | |
Sep 2024 | 1,501,440 | |
Aug 2024 | 1,503,069 |
How many followers does Smith & Wesson have on Facebook?
Smith & Wesson has 1,556,648 followers on Facebook. In the last 30 days, Smith & Wesson has gained a lot of new followers, an increase of 3.6%.
Analyzing Facebook Followers, how is Smith & Wesson performing compared to its industry peers?
Smith & Wesson underperforms its industry peers when it comes to Facebook Followers, ranking in the 13th percentile.
How has the number of Facebook followers for Smith & Wesson changed in the last month?
In the last month, Smith & Wesson's Facebook following has increased by 3.6%. This positive growth indicates a strengthening online presence and growing brand interest.
How does the total number of Facebook followers for Smith & Wesson impact its brand strength and business performance?
With millions of followers, Smith & Wesson's commands a powerful presence on Facebook, greatly enhancing its market visibility, driving robust customer engagement, and potentially influencing business outcomes.
Why should an investor in Smith & Wesson track and monitor Facebook Followers?
Investors in Smith & Wesson's should closely watch the Facebook following, especially when it exceeds a million. Such a large audience indicates a well-established brand presence, high market influence, and likely correlates with substantial business outcomes and investor returns.
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