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Month over Month
Employees on LinkedIn
Nov 2024 | 10 | |
Oct 2024 | 10 | |
Sep 2024 | 10 | |
Aug 2024 | 11 |
How many employees work at WiSA Technologies?
WiSA Technologies has, according to their latest filings, 45 employees. 11 users on Linkedin state that they work for WiSA Technologies.
Analyzing Linkedin Employees, how is WiSA Technologies performing compared to its industry peers?
WiSA Technologies underperforms its industry peers when it comes to Linkedin Employees, ranking dead last.
How has the number of employees on LinkedIn for WiSA Technologies changed in the last month?
In the last month, there has been a positive increase in the number of employees at WiSA Technologies, with an addition of 10% employees. This could indicate growth and expansion within the company.
Why should investors track WiSA Technologies' employee count on LinkedIn?
Tracking WiSA Technologies' employee count on LinkedIn offers investors insights into the company's growth, strategic direction, and operational health. An increasing count may indicate expansion and scaling, suggesting a positive business trajectory, while a decrease could signal downsizing or challenges. However, this data can be volatile. LinkedIn updates depend on individual employees, potentially delaying reflectance of actual changes. Not all employees use LinkedIn, possibly leading to underrepresentation, while outdated profiles might inflate figures. While useful for trends, it's crucial to cross-reference with official data for a comprehensive picture.
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