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Month over Month
Employee view on business outlook (0 - 100)
Nov 2024 | 64 | |
Oct 2024 | 63 | |
Sep 2024 | 61 | |
Aug 2024 | 61 |
How do employees feel about the future at H&R Block?
The Business Outlook at H&R Block is neutral, according to employees. The average rating, aggregated from the top review sites in the US, of 64 out of 100 is decent.
Analyzing Business Outlook, how is H&R Block performing compared to its industry peers?
H&R Block overperforms a majority of its industry peers when it comes to Business Outlook, ranking in the 82nd percentile.
How has the business outlook at H&R Block changed over the last couple of months
In recent months, H&R Block's employees have reported a shift towards a more positive business outlook, indicating improved company morale and potentially leading to increased market competitiveness and enhanced company performance.
Why is it important to track the business outlook at H&R Block?
Tracking a company's business outlook is important as a positive outlook can indicate future growth and profitability and attract new talent, while a negative outlook can discourage talent and imply demotivated employees. Additionally, data shows that companies with a high business outlook tend to perform better on the stock market compared to those with a lower business outlook.
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