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What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of Merck & Company?
Merck & Company has a favorable Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 33, indicating a healthy balance of satisfied customers.
Analyzing NPS, how is Merck & Company performing compared to its industry peers?
Merck & Company overperforms all of its industry peers when it comes to NPS, having a higher NPS than any of its peers.
How has the NPS of Merck & Company changed since last month?
The NPS of Merck & Company has decreased by 2.9% since last month, suggesting a decline in customer satisfaction or loyalty.
Why is it important for an investor in Merck & Company to monitor NPS?
Investors in Merck & Company should watch the NPS closely as it provides insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are important indicators of the company's market position and potential for sustainable growth.
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