Data gathered: December 9
AI Stock Analysis - Columbia Financial (CLBK)
Analysis generated October 4, 2024. Powered by Chat GPT.
Columbia Financial is a regional bank holding company that focuses on providing a range of banking and financial services to both individual and commercial clients. The company operates primarily through its banking subsidiary, Columbia Bank, which has a strong presence across its regional market. Columbia Financial is committed to expanding its offerings and customer base, evidenced by recent growth in job postings and an increased focus on digital engagement.
Stock Alerts - Columbia Financial (CLBK)
Columbia Financial | December 3 Employee Rating is down by 2.6% over the last month. |
Columbia Financial | December 3 Business Outlook among employees is down by 6.1% over the last month. |
Columbia Financial | November 11 Price is up by 5.3% in the last 24h. |
Columbia Financial | November 6 Price is up by 7% in the last 24h. |
Alternative Data for Columbia Financial
Alternative Data | Value | 3m Change | Trend | Benchmark | |
Job Posts | 40 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Sentiment | 67 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Webpage traffic | 218,000 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Employee Rating | 76 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Google Trends | 35 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Patents | N/A | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
4chan Mentions | N/A | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Facebook Engagement | 489 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Facebook Followers | 6,393 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Instagram Followers | 1,170 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Reddit Mentions | N/A | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Stocktwits Mentions | N/A | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Stocktwits Subscribers | 47 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Twitter Followers | 426 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Twitter Mentions | 16 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Youtube Subscribers | 266 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
News Mentions | N/A | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Customer reviews | N/A | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Business Outlook | 77 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up | |
Linkedin Employees | 614 | Sign up | Sign up | Sign up |
About Columbia Financial
Columbia Financial, Inc., a bank holding company, provides financial services to businesses and consumers in the United States.
Price | $17.27 |
Target Price | Sign up |
Volume | 81,130 |
Market Cap | $1.85B |
Year Range | $13.95 - $19.14 |
Dividend Yield | 0% |
PE Ratio | 117.47 |
Analyst Rating | 0% buy |
Industry | Banks-Regional |
In the news
CLBK Repositions Balance Sheet to Boost Earnings, Stock Slides 1.5%December 5 - Yahoo |
Columbia Financial, Inc. Announces Repositioning of Balance SheetDecember 5 - |
Columbia Financial Repositions Balance SheetDecember 5 - Yahoo |
Muncy Columbia Financial's executive chairman Robert J. Glunk buys $8,000 in stockNovember 27 - |
Columbia Financial, Inc. Announces Appointment of New Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerNovember 25 - Finnhub |
Why Columbia Financial (CLBK) Might be Well Poised for a SurgeOctober 30 - Yahoo |
Financial performance View All
Revenue | Cost of Revenue | Gross Profit | Net Income | ebitda | EPS | |
Q3 '24 | 50M | 47M | 3.2M | 6.2M | -7.2M | 0.060 |
Q2 '24 | 51M | 48M | 2.6M | 4.5M | 77M | 0.040 |
Q1 '24 | 44M | 51M | -6.6M | -1.2M | 68M | -0.010 |
Q4 '23 | 67M | 49M | 18M | 6.6M | 72M | 0.060 |
Q3 '23 | 55M | 45M | 9.5M | 9.1M | 64M | 0.090 |
Insider Transactions View All
Van Dyk Robert filed to buy 119,230 shares at $16.7. February 26 '24 |
Klimowich John filed to buy 48,232 shares at $14.4. May 3 '23 |
Gibney Dennis E. filed to buy 137,461 shares at $17.6. March 14 '23 |
Kemly Thomas J. filed to buy 176,563 shares at $17.6. March 15 '23 |
Randall Elizabeth E. filed to sell 20,557 shares at $21.2. December 6 '22 |
Similar companies
Read more about Columbia Financial (CLBK) and their ai stock analysis, price prediction, earnings, congress trading, insider transactions, technical analysis, job posts, sentiment, webpage traffic, employee rating, google trends, patents, 4chan mentions, facebook engagement, facebook followers, instagram followers, reddit mentions, stocktwits mentions, stocktwits subscribers, twitter followers, twitter mentions, youtube subscribers, news mentions, customer reviews, business outlook & linkedin employees.
What is the Market Cap of Columbia Financial?
The Market Cap of Columbia Financial is $1.85B.
What is Columbia Financial's PE Ratio?
As of today, Columbia Financial's PE (Price to Earnings) ratio is 117.47.
What is the current stock price of Columbia Financial?
Currently, the price of one share of Columbia Financial stock is $17.27.
How can I analyze the CLBK stock price chart for investment decisions?
The CLBK stock price chart above provides a comprehensive visual representation of Columbia Financial's stock performance over time. Investors can use this chart to identify patterns, trends, and potential support or resistance levels. By examining historical data and recent price movements, investors can make more informed decisions regarding buying, holding, or selling Columbia Financial shares. Our platform offers an up-to-date CLBK stock price chart, along with technical data analysis and alternative data insights.
Does CLBK offer dividends to its shareholders?
As of our latest update, Columbia Financial (CLBK) does not offer dividends to its shareholders. Investors interested in Columbia Financial should consider the potential for capital appreciation as the primary return on investment, rather than expecting dividend payouts.
What are some of the similar stocks of Columbia Financial?
Some of the similar stocks of Columbia Financial are WSFS Financial, Bancfirst, Bank of Hawaii, United Community Banks, and Camden National.